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Learning Resources Is and How To Know Various Learning Resources

I deliberately put the title "Learning Resources Are and How to Know Various Learning Resources" I put this in the column label for Articles and Media Guru.

As a reminder of the GTK Learning Guidance in the Covid-19 Pandemic, which was organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture, I participated in these weeks.

As a teacher, surely we already know and remember by heart, What is a learning resource? But lha wong, his name is also memory, it will inevitably be eroded by the age factor, except for those who have trained it from an early age.

Therefore, I deliberately wrote it as a reminder according to what I have been following, namely the GTK Learning Guidance in the Pandemic COVID-19.

And it turns out that I have applied this learning resource even with all the limitations and the results are satisfying.

Learning Resources Is and How To Know Various Learning Resources

Learning Resources Is

Like what was conveyed (Source: https://belajar.simpkb.id/courses/ujicoba-bimtek-1/lessons/pengaraan-teknologi-dalam-pembelajaran-jarak-jauh/topic/mengenal-berbagai-sumber-belajar/) Learning sources are various or all sources, both in the form of data, people and certain forms that can be used by students in learning, either separately or in combination so as to make it easier for students to achieve learning goals.

In other words, the learning resources used by the teacher can provide the information needed by students in the learning process, as well as have an impact in the form of instant learning opportunities, where students can receive direct information.

Learning resources can also reduce the gap between verbal and abstract information conveyed by teachers and information that is concrete and according to reality.

Get to know various learning resources

After knowing the learning source is, of course you and I as a teacher need to know and know what learning resources are around us that can be used according to the namely: conditions, needs, uses, and benefits.

So! How do we recognize learning resources?

As the source link above. I can write here that learning resources can be:
  • Message
    This message can be in the form of information, folklore, fairy tales, saga, and so on
  • Person.
    For example teachers, instructors, students, experts, resource persons, community leaders, institutional leaders, career leaders, parents, neighbors, or older people and so on.
  • Material
    Another learning resource is materials. This material is in the form of books, transparencies, films, slides, pictures, graphics designed for learning, reliefs, temples, statues, comics, and so on.
  • Tools or equipment
    Existing tools or equipment can be in the form of hardware, computers, radios, televisions, VCD / DVD, cameras, blackboards, generators, engines, cars, motors, electric tools, screwdrivers and so on.
  • Approach / method / technique.
    Learning resources in the form of approaches / methods / techniques can be carried out such as discussions, seminars, problem solving, simulations, games, workshops, casual conversations, discussions, debates, talk shows and the like.
  • Environment
    Environmental conditions, such as; classrooms, studios, libraries, halls, friends, gardens or markets.
We can use the learning resources above in our school, again looking at the conditions, needs, uses, and benefits.

Remembering conditions, needs, uses, and benefits is like remembering Intake, Complexity, and Carrying Capacity. The complexity of the difficulty level of Basic Competence, the completeness of teaching according to the learning resources owned by the school, and the reasoning abilities and thinking abilities of students.

Have we made use of and maximized various learning resources in our school environment in accordance with the conditions, needs, uses and benefits?

If it is already?

Have we become creative teachers to always be active according to our profession?

The answer lies in each of us.

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